Passenger Yacht Code (PYC) 2021 updates by Transport Malta

Transport Malta Directorate recently announced the introduction of a new Passenger Yacht Code (PYC) which is effective and came into force on the 25th May 2021.  This relates to Passenger Yachts which carry between 13 and 36 Passengers (but not more than 200 persons), which do not carry cargo and which are engaged on international voyages.


It is a widely recognised fact that when considering the operational pattern and risk profile of yachts, the requirements for commercial passenger ships are in some instances disproportionately onerous and technically impracticable in terms of design. Moreover, as large commercial yachts grow in size, the 12-passenger limitation has become a limitation hence the development of this new Code; drawn up in consultation with various industry stake holders including yacht designers, yacht builders, yacht managers, repair yards, specialised service providers and manufacturers and Appointed Surveyors and Recognised Organisations, as a wider representation of the industry.


This Code contains a set of equivalencies issued under the provisions of Article 8 of the International Convention on Load Lines (ICLL), 1966 and Regulation I-5 of the International Convention on Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS).


The PYC Code and Synopsis by Transport Malta may be downloaded via the link.


Contact us here for free consultation on the Registration of your yacht.


Please note that Commercial Yachts carrying 12 or less passengers shall comply with the requirements of the Commercial Yacht Code (CYC), as amended.